David Napier
I’m David Napier and I am a personal trainer and remedial sports massage therapist for three years. I have a background in sports coaching but did not pursue that line of career and instead went down the route of doing many customer facing jobs before realising that my passion was in the fitness industry. I became a personal trainer with the experience of a constant weight battle and a struggle with body image with the aim to help others that had been in my position, by offering advice, support and ways to deal with the daily battles.
I started with DR Inclusive Fitness and Wellbeing just before the opening of the Loanhead gym.. Knowing Dale for 20 plus years (too many in my eyes), it was one of the easiest decisions to make. Hearing Dale’s vision and the knowledge myself of the gap in the fitness market I knew that it was an opportunity that was not to be passed up. I have not looked back since! Since working for DRInclusive Fitness and Wellbeing, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge, as well as a new outlook on how to approach exercises that can help in everyday life.
I enjoy passing on this knowledge to others, whilst also learning from my clients every day.
My Favourite work out song:
My Favourite movie:
My Favourite snack:
Interesting fact about me:

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